Monday, May 8, 2017

In the Dark

Some of my paintings seem quite dark and saturated and perhaps a bit "moody."  Well guess what? That is the point.  The world is not always sunshine and rosy.  Certainly not my world.

When I paint something, I do try to create something that is beautiful.  However, my mantra is "representing the beauty and value of wild."  Sometimes my representation is as stormy as the world in which I live.  We are all struggling to survive in an increasingly tumultuous society.  It occasionally manifests itself in my art. My goal is unwavering.  I hope that someday my art will change the world for the better.

Therefore I will make no apologies for a foreboding abstracted background juxtaposed with a bright and beautiful creature.  I think the composition is representative of my emotions.  In trying to blend the dichotomies of my life on a lonely mountain  in an area where my views could be seen as (and some times are) dangerous, my own struggle feels so isolated.

I could babble about those dichotomies for ages but suffice to say I am feeling blue in a red world and that is about as political as I want to get at the moment.  I personally like the richness of color and the feeling of  optimism in motion  in this painting.  This little bird just stays focused and keeps moving forward regardless of the turmoil around him, which is what we all need to do.


  1. I completely agree with your perspective and this image reflect that perfectly! Love this piece... Continue to represent!! Thank you
